lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008


Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) should be considered the gold standard for evaluating the causes of exercise intolerance in patients with pulmonary and cardiac disease. It provides a global assessment of the integrative exercise response involving the pulmonary, cardiovascular, hematopoietic, neuropsychologic, and skeletal muscle systems. In spite of the widespread clinical use of CPET in the world, in our country it has been underutilized.
CPET is increasingly being used in a wide spectrum of clinical applications for the evaluation of undiagnosed exercise intolerance and for the objective determination of functional capacity, impairment and as prognostic, invaluable tool in the evaluation of patients with cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, specifically heart failure patients.
Exercise tolerance is determined by three important factors: pulmonary gas exchange, cardiovascular performance, including peripheral vascular system, and skeletal muscle metabolism. The efficient gas exchange requires: normal lungs mechanics, adequate ventilatory control mechanisms, an effective pulmonary circulation, an effective system of blood vessels, blood with normal hemoglobin of adequate concentration, a heart with the ability to pump oxygenated blood needed to sustain energy production and appropriate intracellular structure, energy substrate and enzyme concentration to permit adequate cell metabolism, especially in muscle cells. Peak exercise capacity has been defined as “the maximum ability of the cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen to the peripheral tissue and of the muscle to extract oxygen from the blood”. Therefore, it is important understand the Fick equation to appreciate the utility of this kind of test.
The Fick equation states that the oxygen uptake (VO2) equals cardiac output times the arterial minus mixed venous oxygen content. The equation is as follows:
VO2 = (Stroke Volume x Heart Rate) x (Arterial Oxygen Content – Mixed Venous Oxygen Content).
Mixed venous oxygen content (CVO2) is determined from a catheter in pulmonary artery, and systemic arterial oxygen content (CaO2) is determined from an arterial catheter. This method is the gold standard for cardiac output measurement. In the CPET VO2 measurements are made from respired gas measured at the mouth in a breath-by-breath basis, and increase in VO2 reflects O2 utilization by the muscle cells performing the work of exercise. The measurement of VO2 is based on mass balance equation: VO2 = (VI x FIO2) – (VE x FEO2). VI and VE represent the volumes of inhaled and exhaled gas; FIO2 and FEO2 represent the oxygen concentration in the inhaled and mixed exhaled gas. VI is calculated from VE. The measurement of VCO2 is easy, because FECO2 in the inhaled gas is zero and the equation is as follow: VCO2 = VE x FECO2.
The VO2 maximum defines the functional aerobic capacity of patients. It was originally defined as the VO2 at which performance of increasing levels of constant work rate exercise failed to increase VO2 by 150 ml/min, despite increasing work rate. In healthy people, a plateau occurs at near maximal exercise, however only about one third of normal subjects making maximal effort reach a plateau in a VO2. Therefore, peak VO2 is used as an estimate of VO2 max.
1. Evaluation of exercise tolerance.
2. Evaluation of exercise intolerance.
3. Evaluation of patients with unexplained dyspnea
4. Evaluation of patients with cardiovascular diseases.
5. Evaluation of patients with heart failure.
6. Evaluation of patients with respiratory diseases.
7. Exercise prescription for cardiac rehabilitation.
8. Exercise prescription for pulmonary rehabilitation.
9. Evaluation for heart transplantation.
10. Evaluation for lung transplantation.
11. Preoperative evaluation for lung surgery.
Exercise tolerance. The CPET define functional capacity and impairment, and factors limiting exercise for exercise prescription in a healthy population.
Exercise Intolerance. There is no correlation between resting pulmonary and cardiac function with exercise performance and functional capacity. Although exertional dyspnea is a common symptom in patients with cardiovascular and/or respiratory disease, the cause of exercise intolerance is related with other factors like leg discomfort, fatigue and chronotropic incompetence.
Evaluation of patients with heart failure. All patients with heart failure should undergo CPET. Peak VO2 has consistently demonstrated prognostic significance in congestive heart failure and the relationship between ventilation and carbon dioxide production (VE/VCO2) is abnormal. Patients with heart failure and high VE/VCO2 (more than 34) are at greater risk of a cardiovascular event.
Modes of CPET. CPET is a safe procedure with low risk of potential complications. Modes of exercise testing involve either treadmill walking and cycle ergometry. Treadmill leads to higher peak oxygen uptake values and a greater hyperventilation during exercise. Cycle ergometer is generally well tolerated in patients with heart failure and a protocol wit 10 W increment has been recommended.
Anaerobic Threshold (AT). The point at which anaerobic production of high energy phosphate compounds supplements aerobic production is known like anaerobic threshold. AT value less than 11/ml/Kg/min is a good indicator of risk of early cardiac death. It has been recommended that the AT should be determined by the V-Slope method.
CPET provides important diagnostic and prognostic information in a non-invasive setting, for patients with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
1. Wasserman K et al. Principles of Exercise Testing and Interpretation. Fourth edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Philadelphia 2005.
2. ATS/ACCP statement on cardiopulmonary exercise testing. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2003: 167:212.
3. ERS Task Force. Recommendations on the use of exercise testing in clinical practice. Eur Respir J 2007; 29: 185–209
4. Ingle L. Prognostic value and diagnostic potential of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in patients with chronic heart failure. Eur J Heart Failure 2008; 10: 112-118.

domingo, 26 de octubre de 2008


The number of patients with heart failure is growing, as a consequence in the improvement in management of several cardiovascular diseases and the change in longevity of the population, as well as improved survival of heart failure patients. The incidence is estimated to be around 1%. Despite the advances in early diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, including drugs and devices, the mortality in end stage heart failure is very high. Since the first human heart transplant performed in South Africa by Christian Barnard in 1967, the science of human transplantation has been changing. In the two last decades the heart transplant has evolved of a purely experimental procedure until becoming an effective therapeutic option for many patients with end stage cardiomyopathies. Improvement in treatment of patients with heart failure, better donor management, changes in surgical technique, better organ preservation, advances in the field of immunosuppression, initially with the introduction of cyclosporine as the main immunosuppressive agent and actually with other drugs like tacrolimus, everolimus, and mycophenolate and induction therapy significantly improved survival. In the last report of the Registry of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation the transplant half-life, the time at which 50% of those transplanted remain alive, for the entire cohort is currently 10 years, with a half life of 13 years for those surviving the first year.
It is calculated between 10 to 40 procedures by millions of inhabitants per year to cover completely the indication of heart transplantation in a population. Heart failure is the main cause of death in 40.000 patients and contributes to this one in other 250,000 cases every year in the United States; nevertheless of the population of patients who potentially would benefit from a heart transplant, about 25,000, only 2.500 patients are undergoing of this procedure, around of 10%. This situation is explained for multiple reasons, in developed countries the most important is the limitation in the availability of donors, but in underdeveloped countries, like ours, there are a very limited waiting list and many donor’s heart are not utilized. In some cases patients with heart failure never know the benefit of this type of procedures, limiting his probability of survival.
Other interesting finding in the last report is the changing in characteristics of the most recent cohort. The primary indication for adult heart transplantation was non-coronary cardiomyopathy, the percentage of recipients aged 60 years has increased whereas the percentage of recipients 40 to 49 years of age has continued decline, 41% percent were receiving inotropic support and 29% were on mechanical support, only 44% percent of patients were hospitalized before the transplant and the percentage of patients with a panel reactive antibody (PRA) > 10% has increased from 5% to 12.4%.

Current Indications
Patients should only be considered for transplantation when they are on optimal therapy. The optimal non-pharmacological and pharmacological therapy include follow-up in a heart failure clinic, considering several therapies such as cardiac resynchronization therapy, implantable cardioverter defibrillator, coronary revascularization therapy, alternative surgical options and others. The decision to accept a patient for heart transplantation is made after a strict clinical evaluation by a cardiologist with broad experience in this topic, and of course by a transplantation team. The general experience is that the patients with clear indications are never referred, the majority of patients referred for transplantation are never listed and that those who are listed are rarely listed immediately after referral. It is important to evaluate the prognosis in an individual patient, although it is extremely difficult because of the variability of the clinical course of heart failure.

Criteria for Cardiac Transplantation


High risk by Heart Failure Survival Score (HFSS)
Very low peak VO2 after reaching anaerobic threshold
NYHA class III-IV refractory to maximum therapy
Severe myocardial ischemia non-susceptible of revascularization therapy
Severe ventricular arrhythmia refractory to medical, surgical and ICD treatment


HFSS intermediate risk
Low peak VO2 and severe functional limitation
Instability of fluid status and renal function despite of adherence, daily weight, restriction of liquids and salt and flexible diuretics.
Recurrent unstable ischemia non-susceptible of revascularization therapy


HFSS low risk
Peak VO2 > 14 ml/kg/min without another indication
Low Left Ventricular ejection fraction
History of NYHA class III/IV
History of ventricular arrhythmias

Peak oxygen consumptionPatients with peak VO2 ≥ 14 ml/kg/min have 94% survival at one year follow-up. Patients with peak VO2 of 10-14 ml/kg will be insisted on medical treatment and reevaluate according to its evolution.Patients with peak VO2 less than 10 ml/Kg/min or less than 50% of predicted for age and gender during anaerobic exercise (respiratory quotient, RQ more than 1.05) are considered a clear indication of the procedure. In addition to peak VO2, it is important to consider others variables like VE/VCO2 slope during exercise more than 35, the VE/VCO2 slope/ pVO2 ratio more than 2.51 and peak systolic arterial pressure less than 120 mmHg.

Algorithm for Heart Transplantation.

Heart Failure Survival Score
The Heart Failure Survival Score (HFSS) predict risk in heart failure patients. Additionally, patients with a predicted high risk of dying by HFSS are the only group that has a survival benefit of transplantation.
Heart Failure Survival Score

High Risk ≤ 7.19, medium risk 7.2-8.09 and low risk ≥ 8.10. Event free survival rates at 1 year for the low, medium and high risk HFSS strata are 93 ± 2%, 72 ± 5% and 43 ± 7%, respectively.

See video of a Heart Transplant Procedure.

1. JACC 2004;43;787-793
2. Circulation 1997;95:2660-2667
3. Heart 2002;87;177-184
4. Netherlands Heart Journal 2008;16 Number 3
5. J Heart Lung Transplant 2006; 25:1003–23.
6. J Heart Lung Transplant 2008; 27:943–56.
7. JACC 2008; 52:587–98

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2008


Coronary artery disease is one of the leading causes of mortality in western world. One of the most important factors in the progression of left ventricular dilatation, the process of ventricular remodelling, is the loss of cardiomyocytes after an acute myocardial infarction. After the injury, the endogenous repair mechanisms are inadequate and the injured tissue is replaced by a fibrous scar, promoting more dilatation, infarct expansion, hypertrophy and loss of ventricular function until the patient develop progressive heart failure and death. Although the old concept that the adult cardiomyocytes is terminally differentiated has been challenged by the recent evidence that myocytes have the potential capability to initiate cell cycle after myocardial infarction, the ratio of myocytes undergoing proliferation and differentiation is only 0.015-0.08%. Recently, bone marrow derived stem cell transplantation has become a realistic option of treatment to replace damaged cardiomyocytes. The bone marrow cells are a heterogeneous group of undifferentiated cells that have the capacity to self-renew, proliferate, as well as the ability to generated many differentiate cells. Since the original work published by Orlic and colleagues in PNAS in 2001, many different human trials has been published. After twelve months of the original work, Bodo Strawer et al published the first clinical experience with bone marrow derived cell transplantation in patients with acute myocardial infarction. After that, several clinical trials and metaanalysis are now reported with data from more than 800 patients demonstrating the safety, feasibility and beneficial effects of this kind of therapy.

But, why many investigators say: “Curb your enthusiasm?” like one article published in Circulation as an editorial? There are many unresolved questions about stem cell transplantation, for example: what type of cells is better to regenerate cardiomyocytes? What is the better way to implant these cells? What kind of patients benefits to this type of treatment? What disease we should treat? Acute or chronic ischemic heart disease? At what point of the disease we should treat our patients?
At this time, we do not have all answers, however is possible to explain some negative results in clinical trials. The first concern was about the results of the BOOST trial. This study originally published in Lancet in 2004 showed a change in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) by 6.7 percent after 6 months of follow-up in the bone marrow cell (BMC) group, however in the long term follow-up at 18 months the difference between groups was no longer significant, 3.1% percent improvement in LVEF in the control group vs 5.9% in the BMC group. Is possible to expect a trend toward improvement in LVEF in the control group? And is possible to demonstrate any differences between two groups at 18 months in a trial planned for a 6 months follow-up? The sample size was calculated to achieve a power of at least 80% to detect a difference in global LVEF change of 5 percent points between study groups, with a two sided significance level of p<0.05,> and common standard deviation of 6.5 percentage points for the global LVEF change from baseline to 6 months follow-up. We should remember that many drugs approved to use in the setting of acute myocardial infarction produce only modest improvement in LVEF.
What happened with the Janssens trial? The answer was in the baseline characteristics of patients in this trial. The mean LVEF was 55-56% and the bone marrow cell transplantation was performing in the first 24 hours of index event. The recent REPAIR AMI trial showed that the differences between groups are statiscally significant when the procedure is performing after 5 days of infarction and in patients with ejection fraction less than 50 %.

The last trial with negative results was the ASTAMI trial, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2006. In the same issue of the journal was published the REPAIR AMI trial and TOPCARE CHD. The trials used different protocols for cell isolation and storage. Cell isolation protocols have a major impact in functional capacity of stem cells. It affects significantly the recovery of cell numbers, hematopoietic and mesenchymal colony forming cells, and the functional activity.

Cell Isolation Protocol


Finally, in the field of stem cell transplantation for myocardial regeneration, we are agreeing with the phrase of Winston Churchill: “Now is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end, but it is perhaps, the end of the beginning”.


1. Circulation. 2006; 113:1287-1294.
2. European Heart Journal 2007 28, 766–772.
3. Lancet 2004; 364: 141–48.
4. Published online January 5, 2006 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(05)67861-0
5. N Engl J Med 2006; 355:1199-209.
6. N Engl J Med 2006;355:1210-21
7. European Heart Journal (2006) 27, 2775–2783
8. N Engl J Med 2006; 355:1222-32.
9. J Am Coll Cardiol 2007;50:1761–7)

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008

Trasplante Celular


Heart failure is a heterogeneous clinical syndrome that is developed subsequent to an " index event", the one which produces damage of the cardiac tissue, for the lost of cardiomyocytes or by the alteration of the capacity of the myocardium to generate an efficient force for the ventricular contraction. The initial injury can be of sudden appearance as in the acute coronary syndrome or gradual as in the chronic coronary heart disease. Independent of the factor that generate the syndrome, is produced a series of hemodynamic alterations and neurohormonals responses with complex molecular changes, that lead to the progression of the ventricular dysfunction and to a greater loss of contractile cells.
The therapeutic strategies developed to interrupt this vicious circle of ventricular remodeling, only change the conditions of the myocardial work, with the consequent improvement in the quality of life and in mortality. However, this therapeutic approach does not produce myocardial regeneration, what permits the progression of the disease until terminal heart failure and death.
Experimental and clinical studies have shown that the implantation of bone marrow stem cells produce angiogenesis and improves cardiac function in patients with acute and chronic ischaemic heart disease. This therapy produces meaningful improvement in symptoms, exercise capacity, in the functional state, in the size of the myocardial perfusion defect by nuclear medicine, in the ejection fraction and decrease of the end-systolic volume of the left ventricle, without complications related with the procedure.
Conclusion: The bone marrow stem cells transplantation is an effective and safe therapy to promote neovascularization and improve perfusion and myocardial contractility in patients with acute and chronic ischaemic heart disease and no other option for standard revascularization therapies.